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YAHOO FINANCE: 5 Practical Ways You Can Pursue Your Dream Career
Bliss sat down with Yahoo Finance and shared some of the common themes she discovered while interviewing 65 people for her book, all of whom successfully reinvented their careers on the path to finding a more ideal lifestyle for themselves. Watch the interview →
FORBES: How To Quit Your Job And Pursue A Dream Career In Travel
Have you ever fantasized about making a massive life change to pursue a dream job in travel? Take the Leap: Change Your Career, Change Your Life (Simon & Schuster) is about to become your how-to guide. This new book features inspiration and advice from more than 60 people who have made a daring change of career. Many of them are traveling the world as a result of this switch — and loving life. Read More →
BUSTLE: 11 Self-Help Books That'll Inspire You To Accomplish All Your End Of Year Goals
Sometimes… people hear a quiet voice inside their heads insisting that the life they currently have isn’t the life they should be living. Bliss interviewed over 65 people for whom that whisper became a shout… The diverse interviews will undoubtedly resonate with different readers for a myriad of reasons, making this book a helpful text for both entrepreneurs and those on a self-help journey.Read More →